1. General Member : A person who has attained the age of 18 year is considered as General Member.
2. Honorary Member: A Member or a Non-Member can be appointed as Honorary Member, who has rendered extraordinary services to the RTA. (Reduction in Membership Fee)
3. Student Member: A person who is between 18 years to 26 is considered as Student Member. A person who is unmarried, under the age of 26 years and not yet completed their Training or degree can apply for Student membership. (Reduction in Membership Fee)
Membership Info
Membership Fee for the calendar year 2023
General Member : 10 Euro Pro Person
Student Member : 8 Euro Pro Person
The processing of membership application may take 14 days from the date of submitting the online form.
The process of reviewing and deciding upon the application rests with the Board Members.
Membership is not transferable and is auto renewed every calendar year unless the cancellation is informed a month before either by email or by post.
All members are eligible for one vote during RTA’s election.
Members are welcome to volunteer in organizing and running RTA’s Events.
With 2 years of Membership and volunteering activities, the members are eligible to contest in RTA election.
Member should not represent RTA in media or any other public forum without prior approval from the Board.
Individuals or Members may not use the RTA’s name in full or in parts, in support of any demonstrations against social and anti-governmental activities.
Funds of the RTA cannot be used for Personals Benefit
No member can make claims on the association’s assets when he leaves
RTA will use Photos and Videos from an event conducted by RTA for Promotional purpose.
RTA is committed to preserve the confidentiality of the personal information provide by you. Personal Information will not be shared to any Third Party without prior approval from you by We ensure that the rules on data protection are observed by us.
A member can be expelled from the association by the Board if the member Culpably violates the interests of the RTA.
A member can be expelled from the association by the Board, If the Member doesn’t pay Annual membership before 31st March of that calendar year (Due Date being 1st of January. After 3 month form due date the Board Member sent a reminder to the Member. After one month of the reminder sent the Board member expels the member )